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    Merchant: Experience Days

    An Evening of Underground Ghost Stories

    Experience Days Tours: This walking tour of Edinburgh�??s haunted wynds and underground vaults is a celebration of the city�??s paranormal past�??and present. Join a professional guide for an evening of true tales and ghost stories, followed by a wee dram of whisky in Megget�??s Cellar.��Tours depart from Mercat Cross, on the Royal Mile, where you�??ll meet your cloaked guide. While you walk, they�??ll reveal the darker side of Edinburgh�??s history, complete with grisly tales of witchcraft, torture and restless spirits. After exploring the Old Town�??s medieval closes and wynds, you�??ll descend into the haunted Blair Street Vaults, passing through underground chambers once rife with bodysnatchers, crime, iniquity, destitution and despair. Here, you�??ll hear even more gruesome stories before finally retreating to Megget�??s Cellar for a wee dram of Scotland�??s �??water of life�??. Settle your nerves and raise a toast to the city�??s ghoulish past!��An Evening of Underground Ghost Stories is great fun for true believers and sceptics alike, and it would make a unique experience gift for anyone with a wicked sense of humour. Treat your loved one to an Experience Days voucher today!
    Experience Days Tours: This walking tour of Edinburgh�??s haunted wynds and underground vaults is a celebration of the city�??s paranormal past�??and present. Join a professional guide for an evening of true tales and ghost stories, followed by a wee dram of whisky in Megget�??s Cellar.��Tours depart from Mercat Cross, on the Royal Mile, where you�??ll meet your cloaked guide. While you walk, they�??ll reveal the darker side of Edinburgh�??s history, complete with grisly tales of witchcraft, torture and restless spirits. After exploring the Old Town�??s medieval closes and wynds, you�??ll descend into the haunted Blair Street Vaults, passing through underground chambers once rife with bodysnatchers, crime, iniquity, destitution and despair. Here, you�??ll hear even more gruesome stories before finally retreating to Megget�??s Cellar for a wee dram of Scotland�??s �??water of life�??. Settle your nerves and raise a toast to the city�??s ghoulish past!��An Evening of Underground Ghost Stories is great fun for true believers and sceptics alike, and it would make a unique experience gift for anyone with a wicked sense of humour. Treat your loved one to an Experience Days voucher today!